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  • 10 March 2022 12:23 PM | Anonymous

    The Student Accommodation Association would like to thank our Discussion Panel and members for joining the conversation at our Preparing Student Accommodation Providers for Recovery Virtual Roundtable held on 9 March 2022.

    Bringing in a new year means welcoming new and returning international students back to Australia. In a post pandemic world, it is vital that we continue to ensure the safety of our residents and that student accommodation providers are supported in applying COVID-19 Safe protocols.

    Our Discussion Panel shared insights into the challenges student accommodation providers face as international students return in 2022. Experts in the Australian international education sector like our speaker Alison Dell emphasised the economic importance to the Australian Government of international students returning and shared recent data on the return of international students to Australia.

    We appreciate the input from all panel experts including Anouk Darling, Kimberley Roberts, and Geoff Denison who provided solutions to further challenges faced by the student accommodation sector currently. The discussion panel stood together as a united front in how we can move forward and support international students who are returning to face-to-face learning with COVID-19 Safe student accommodation.

    Once again, we thank our sponsors StarRez, Inc., Western Union Business Solutions and Insurgo Insurance Broking Pty Ltd for their ongoing support and partnership.

    We look forward to SAA members joining the conversation at future events.

  • 07 December 2021 5:39 AM | Anonymous

    Even though not everything went as planned, the SAA Networking Lunch in Adelaide was a great success!

    Thank you to our keynote speaker Denise von Wald for sharing her experience and views in her 'Lessons and Lasting Effects of the Pandemic' keynote presentation, which highlighted the resilience and community spirit at St Ann's College (NPAS Accredited).
    We also appreciate the input from our panel experts David RiordanMelissa Tracey, Denise von Wald and Geoff Denison who talked us through the path to recovery for the student accommodation sector.
    During the event we had an opportunity to congratulate St Ann's College Inc, North Adelaide on their recent NPAS accreditation and
    personally say goodbye to Karyn Kent.
    Special thank you to our sponsors StarRez, Inc.Western Union Business Solutions and Insurgo Insurance Broking Pty Ltd for their ongoing support and partnership.
    We look forward to seeing SAA members together in Brisbane,
    Melbourne and Sydney early next year.

  • 25 November 2021 10:58 AM | Anonymous

    Thank you to the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) for the invitation to join the IEAA Roundtable: Student Return and Quarantine held on 24 November 2021. 

    As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges and announcements relating to COVID-19 and the return of international students, the sector united and calls for a commitment for collaboration, the need for consistent and clear information and resources, and processes that place the student at the centre.

    Among other topics, participants had a chance to discuss how international students will access accommodation on their return with the share and private rental markets across the country being so tight; and the role of the National Property Accreditation Scheme will play in promoting a strong and consistent accommodation message during the post-pandemic period, ensuring that international students are no longer left to their own devices.

    In the photo below, Hayley Shields (Edified) led a panel discussion with Robert Chasse (Sonder), Geoff Denison (Student Accommodation Association), Kasun Kalhara (Council of International Students Australia Inc.) and Susan Cullen (Medibank). 

  • 09 November 2021 12:46 PM | Anonymous

    We're delighted to announce that the Student Accommodation Association (SAA) will be presenting at the 2021 ISANA International Conference, which will be held online on 1-3 December. 

    The 2021 ISANA Conference will provide an opportunity for all delegates to stay up to date, hear from industry leaders and make new connections with many opportunities for to share ideas, engage, collaborate and network.

    Geoff Denison, SAA President, will be presenting on the first day of the conference. Geoff will be speaking about the recently launched National Property Accreditation Scheme as a tool designed to further enhance the Australian international education offering.

    See the full Conference Program and register online at

  • 04 November 2021 12:32 PM | Anonymous

    On Wednesday, 3 November the Student Accommodation Association, in collaboration with our members, Y Suites China Insights, Scape and Student One, presented the Insight into the China Market From a Student Accommodation Perspective webinar

    Attended by more than 50 participants, the webinar provided an exclusive opportunity to hear from the industry experts about how the Chinese international student market was impacted by COVID-19 and discuss whether it'll present similar opportunities for Australian student accommodation providers in the future.

    Hosted by David Riordan, Secretary, Student Accommodation Association, webinar participants had an opportunity to hear from the keynote speaker Karen Welsh, Minster-Counsellor (Education and Research), Australian Embassy Beijing, and the panel of experts, including Eric Wang, Regional Manager, Business Development, Y SuitesWilliam Ye, Manager | Partnerships & Business Development | China, Scape Group (Scape, Urbanest, Atira) and Sandy KamSales Representative, Student One.

    The webinar recording is now available, please, contact the SAA team at to request the access.

    Following the success of the webinar, we would like to bring to your attention the availability of the Y Suites China Insights newsletter.

    If you would like to keep up to date with development in the China market as we move closer to the return of international students to Australia, please subscribe to the fortnightly newsletter here.

    The newsletter is delivered by Y Suites, an Executive Member of the Student Accommodation Association. Through their well-established team based in China, the Y Suites team started collating the most current information on China, which spins off to the launch of the China Insights Newsletter.

    With China being one of the key markets for International Students in Australia, any policy changes, announcements, or economic changes within China could inevitably affect the overseas education and student accommodation businesses in Australia.

    By launching the China Insights Newsletter, Y Suites hopes to add value to the student accommodation industry by bringing you current insights and exclusive updates on the latest happenings and trends in China.

  • 13 October 2021 9:09 AM | Anonymous

    SAA is proud to announce that St Ann’s College (South Australia) is now NPAS accredited, confirming that the property meets the full set of industry led minimum standards and operates accommodation for the exclusive use of students. 

    “University students spend a great deal of time in their accommodation, especially if they’re living in a Residential College. Consequently, it’s vitally important providers are guided by standards which can be trusted.” said Denise von Wald, St Ann's College Principal.

    "St Ann’s is proud to demonstrate to our students and their families that the College follows the guidelines set out by the national industry body. In particular, we are committed to ensure we meet acknowledged standard for our amenities, as well as the safety and wellbeing of our students. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to the highest possible standards for our students."   

    For a student accommodation property to be NPAS accredited, it must comply with the minimum SAA standards in terms of amenity, facility, security, customer service and management processes. 

    Read more about NPAS

  • 06 October 2021 9:14 AM | Anonymous

    A submission to present the National Property Accreditation Scheme (NPAS) on behalf of SAA members was accepted by the organisers of this year's AIEC conference which was held during the first week of October.

    While originally being accepted as a face-to-face presentation the conference format was forced to move to a virtual platform and the NPAS presentation converted into a short video which was made available to conference delegates as an INSPIRE video presentation.

    The AIEC conference is renowned for bringing local and offshore stakeholders in the Australian International Education sector together on an annual basis. Introducing NPAS to the conference audience will significantly increase the profile of the associations work amongst key stakeholders and Australian education providers and continue to drive the sectors interest in the program. 

  • 29 September 2021 2:37 PM | Anonymous

    As states and territories move to opening their borders to international students the quality of their education experience has never been so important as it will be in a post-COVID world.

    The Student Accommodation Association (SAA) National Property Accreditation Scheme supports post-COVID recovery for Student Accommodation.

    The NPAS stamp of quality helps identify student accommodation (i.e. accommodation for the exclusive use of students) that meet a set of minimum industry standards which have been developed in consultation with Student Accommodation Providers nationally. 

    SAA is currently rolling out the NPAS program, with two properties already accredited and an impressive pipeline of applications for accreditation currently under assessment.

    Not only will NPAS serve to distinguish student accommodation over other accommodation options in Australia, but the robust set of minimum standards will also provide Australian education stakeholders with the protection and confidence required to actively promote and endorse the NPAS accommodation message as part of a post-COVID recovery strategy.

    International students will no longer be left to their own devices in sourcing accommodation which in the past has led to mixed results with some students finding themselves the victim of exploitation or in some instances feeling unsafe, which ultimately detracts from their education experience.

    In a post-COVID world NPAS accredited student accommodation will play an important role in providing “home quarantine” style solutions as well as keeping students safe, secure, and most importantly healthy.

    We would welcome the opportunity to invite Australian Education Providers to partner with SAA to support and promote NPAS to potential international students.  Please visit for more details or feel free to contact SAA President Geoff Denison at  

  • 01 September 2021 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    The Student Accommodation Association (SAA) is delighted to welcome David Riordan, the Principal consultant for Thalassa Consulting as a co-opted member of the 2021/2022 SAA National Committee.

    David brings a wealth of experience from his 30-year career in the VET sector, mostly as a Senior Executive. He has had several high profile roles, CEO of the NSW Department of Education International, Director of Sydney TAFE one of the largest TAFE institutes in the country, CEO Of the Office of Communities and Director of City Services at the City of Sydney. David has recently been working across the International Education Industry assisting organisations focus on their Post-COVID Business Models. He coordinated the June 2021 Australia China Business Council Education Symposium and has been facilitating national International Education Industry Roundtables (IEIR) focusing on the return of international students.

  • 09 August 2021 4:13 PM | Anonymous

    SAA is proud to announce that Varsity Apartments (Queensland) is the first property in Australia to achieve NPAS accreditation, confirming that the property meets the full set of industry led minimum standards and operates accommodation for the exclusive use of students.

    “We are extremely proud to be a NPAS accredited property and look forward to the continuing success of this scheme” said Karen Netherwood, Director, Varsity Apartments.

    “The application process for the NPAS was easy to follow and the administration support from the SAA was excellent. Collating the submission criteria highlighted the areas of strength in our business framework and also, areas that could be improved - a highly useful exercise indeed."

    "We run Varsity Apartments, the largest student accommodation complex on the Sunshine Coast, Qld. We are heading into our 10th year in this complex and are constantly looking for ways to improve our service and business brand. As a member of the Student Accommodation Association (SAA), our application for the National Property Accreditation Scheme (NPAS) was a key step towards strengthening our reputation within the student accommodation industry. Being part of this industry standard that provides clarity for national education stakeholders, students and agents made perfect sense. We feel that the NPAS provides a cohesive platform for the growth and reputation of the student accommodation industry as a whole and also on an individual level.” Karen concluded.


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